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Hebei will invest nearly 10 billion to improve 14 heavy pollution of river water quality
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-6-12 10:34:04
-- used in agricultural irrigation, industrial cooling can save

of nitrogen and phosphorus removal process Promote the recycling of water resources has become a common choice for Chinese and foreign water shortage city. Many city domestic chose to vigorously promote water reuse. While Beijing has determined to apply all urban sewage treatment plant construction to become water production plant.

Is research China sewage treatment plant water recycling concept will also serve as an important index. In this regard, academician of the Academy of Engineering Qian Yi said Chinese, adhere to high quality water use, water use inferior inferior principle. Reclaimed water reuse approach to classification, sorting, and then push processing standards and technology. "This is worth a good study."

reuse not to drink for the purpose of

USA, Singapore, Australia and other countries have been upgraded, promote the recycling of water resources for many years practice of sewage treatment. In this regard, the money to call a spade a spade: for now China, these advanced experience is not necessarily applicable.

In America California "in twenty-first Century, the sewage treatment plant" water quality can reach the standard of drinking water, has caused a sensation in the industry. Later the money easy to study, found that they had the name of "21 water plant". "Because they also discovered that this is not necessarily the plant model in the future to promote. Although the effluent quality which reach the standard of drinking water, but not directly for drinking, but for groundwater recharge."

As for Singapore Newater plant, Qian Yi is a direct statement: "don't China learn this road, not the sewage into drinking water as the target concept, sewage treatment plant is too expensive, too much energy."

preferred way is to use

irrigation and Industry With the rate has reached 70%~90% sewage back to Israel, and "thirst" degree favorably with Beijing reuse rate will reach about 50%. In this regard, the money easy to think, this is due to the reasons for the standard way, reuse is not perfect. In considering the processing standards, must take the way of "reclaimed water reuse queue scheduling, classification". Earlier, media reports, reuse of water pollution caused by problems with additional landscape water, by the controversy and discussion. Qian Yi believes that the preferred way of reclaimed water reuse is farmland irrigation. "Reuse farmland sewage may not need the nitrogen and phosphorus removal, and water, but also can provide fertilizer."

She also pointed out, this is not all city selection. "Such as the city to leave the farm far, may not do it. But the industry also is better choice. For example, Beijing Gaobeidian power plant is now reclaimed water used in industry cooling water is also very good, no nitrogen and phosphorus removal."

Nitrogen and phosphorus removal is the sewage treatment process is very difficult, and eliminates the need for this step, do a good job of toxic and harmful pollutants control after irrigation, can be a for two, by many industry experts agree.

Qian Yi pointed out, recycled water sort, species with the best consider some, then according to the classification of different application way, should have different standards. She also stressed that, if not treated wastewater for reuse, also should make different standards according to the receiving water requirements.

"Discharge outlet different have different standards." Money is easy to hope that the concept of sewage treatment plant in the construction process, to carry out research in this area. Construction is not only the one or two factory, but for the whole country to carry on research, guidance system. The formation of index system, all can be combined with the local reality to design.
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