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The Ministry of environmental protection launched the "bank government investment and" green credit
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-6-27 15:55:16
Recently, the Ministry of environmental protection held "organization in Beijing bank government investment and" green credit plan will start. The plan will take the lead in Hainan, Shandong province pilot. It is reported, Hainan province "bank government investment and" green credit plans a total size of 2000000000 yuan, the total size of 10000000000 yuan in Shandong province.

In recent years, China's environmental protection investment scale is increasing year by year, but the actual demand and environmental protection is still a big gap between. Especially the Party Central Committee and the State Council, to insist to major called war on pollution, issued in 2013 September based action plan of atmospheric pollution prevention and control, will also make the prevention and control of water pollution, soil pollution prevention and control plan of action plan of action, the entire social environmental protection investment gap further highlighted, government investment alone is "an utterly inadequate measure", there is an urgent need to establish and perfect diversified, market-oriented environmental investment and financing mechanism.

In this regard, environmental protection department of planning and finance department director Zhao Hualin said, including air, water, soil pollution control, three action plan will be in longer time memory in the huge funding gap, it needs to establish the market mechanism to attract social capital investment in environmental protection. At present, the environmental protection market met under the "hard constraints", at the same time, the environmental protection market, has its own law of development, and environmental protection market mainly rely on the law, plan and plan to 'squeeze' market.

"Bank government investment and" green credit plan is one of the achievements of the reform of the Ministry of environmental protection, promoting the ecological civilization system. In accordance with the deepening work deployment reform leading group, the Ministry of environmental protection in 2014 identified 10 key tasks of reform, innovation and environmental protection investment and financing mechanism, attract social capital into the protection of the ecological environment is one of the special task of reform, efforts to solve the insufficient investment, the low efficiency problem.

In the "bank government investment" plan, bank, government, investment organizations jointly, providing preferential loans for small and medium-sized enterprises to solve the difficult problem of financing of enterprises, environmental protection. Government funds to interest free way to inject and recycling, greatly improve the fund use efficiency and effectiveness, and reduce the cost of financing. Investment funds with bad after intervention, to provide security for the bank and government funds.

In the National Development Bank support, Ministry of environmental protection center and the Finance Office of Hainan Province, Haikou Municipal People's government, Chinese Banking Association, Taishan insurance company, XinDa wealth investment company, Chinese life insurance company signed a cooperation agreement, marking the "bank government investment and" green credit plans to enter the pilot stage of implementation.
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